Legal Referral Service

Lawyers for the Creative Arts provides free legal services to financially eligible clients in all areas of the arts—visual, music, dance, theatrical, literary, digital media, arts education, and much more. We help individuals and organizations with business issues, contracts, copyrights, trademarks and many other legal areas.

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Office Hours

LCA’s Office Hours gives individual artists and arts managers the ability to consult with an experienced attorney in a brief consultation.

Set up an Appointment for Office Hours

Workshops & Seminars
Lawyers for the Creative Arts has a proven track record of offering high-quality seminars and workshops.  Our programs for artists and other non-lawyers help you to understand legal concepts that apply to your area of the arts.  Our programs for lawyers are instructive and helpful for the seasoned practitioner as well as those seeking to develop capabilities in new areas.

Check our Seminars page for upcoming offerings.


Support LCA
Lawyers for the Creative Arts is the only Illinois provider of pro bono legal services dedicated to individuals and organizations in all areas of the arts.  We have helped thousands of individual artists and arts organizations.

Your donation, large or small are essential for us to continue to provide free legal services to the arts community.

We appreciate your support of LCA through your tax deductible contribution to our small organization!


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